Notes For The Field: A Collection of Essential Notes for Social Work Practitioners And Other Helpers


Here is a list of notes from the archives on topics that are important for Social Work practitioners, students, and other helpers to keep in mind in the field.

For Potential Social Workers: 6 Sources of Advice

This article includes contributions from Social Workers Deona Hooper, Nicole Clark, Rachel L. West, Ignacio Pacheco, and Martha Crawford.

Treat Others How They Want To Be Treated

“Sometimes, looking solely through the lens of our own lived experiences to find what are, and are not acceptable ways to communicate what respect is can create conflict in relationships.”

6 Questions for Social Workers, 6 Answers for Social Work Students

Here, I share responses to an interview on my experiences in the field of social work. If you’re a Social Worker, I hope you think of your own answers, and share them with others after reading the interview.

Talking About Microaggressions

Here, you’ll find an idea for a workshop that I have used to spark dialogue about microaggressions.

Racism Makes You Question Everything

A collection of “isolated events” becomes a pattern.

On Expanding The Profile of Privilege

“In his acceptance speech of the 2014 James Neubacher award, MSW Candidate Lloyd Shelton talks about the intersection of race, disability, and other social identities, and importance of expanding the profile of privilege and access to include all people.”

On The Social Construction of Disability

“People are not disabled because something is inherently wrong with them. People are disabled because of a society that is unwilling to include them, and provide the supports that are necessary to enable them to live their lives fully.”

The Art of War: How The Masses Are Convinced To Be Complicit With Oppression

“I share those four elements here; not so we can use them to harm others, but for us to be able to recognize them for what they are, and to find ways to interrupt the complicity with them in others, as well as within ourselves.”

For Would Be Allies On The Road To Equity: To Move Beyond Misrepresentation, We Must First Acknowledge The Facts

“Have you ever tried to, or had to, work with someone who was from a different social group than you, and it seemed like there was a great level of mistrust? Have you ever been in a position in which you wanted to help, but couldn’t seem to get past a wall?”

Hurry Up And Wait: On Social Justice Elitism, And Eagerness For Social Change

Social justice elitism is a real problem in this work, and we need to keep ourselves in check.

Degrees Are Not The Final Say

May we never let our education get in the way of our learning.

 Having Trouble Connecting With Oppressed Groups? Maybe It’s Not Them. Maybe It’s You

This is another note that addresses mistrust in helping relationships.

4 Ways To Stay Mindful of Social Justice Issues In Group Work Practice

On group dynamics.

Yes, Anger Does Influence My Work For Racial Justice, And No, We Won’t Calm Down

Thoughts on the role of anger in racial justice work.

(N.A.H.) Rewind: On Social Work In Society: For Me, It All Comes Back To Ubuntu

Thoughts on Social Work and the interconnectedness of the human condition.

These notes and more can be found in the Social Work section of N.A.H.

What do you think Social Workers and other social justice advocates should keep in mind for their work?


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones, MSW, LLMSW


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