A Fallen Leaf Production: Meet Us On The Sidewalk


FAANMailFAANMail, which stands for Fostering Activism & Alternatives Now!, is a media literacy and activism project formed by young women of color in Philadelphia.

In addition to their other initiatives like working to protest the Ethnic Studies Ban in Arizona, empowering young women to critique, produce, and distribute media, and being active in the movement to end street harassment, FAANMail also produces a special video series of “Talk Backs” in which women of color respond to media that contributes to their dehumanization and make the call for alternative forms of media that are uplifting and not oppressing.

On April 13th, 2013 the women of FAANMail as well as other activists from groups like  PoppynGALSPhilly Youth Poetry MovementPhiladelphia Futures, and others took to the streets in Philadelphia for social action in observance of Anti-Street Harassment Week. Their efforts were documented in this video produced by Kara Lief.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW


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