A Resource for Dialogue: White Privilege Denial Bingo


I found this on tumblr today and I wanted to share it here because I thought it could be both a tool for people of color to use in safe spaces to console each other and process common experiences with racism, as well as a resource for dialogue with people who are white to begin to examine the thought processes behind these statements, as well as their impact on the real lives of the people who hear them.

What do you think? Have you heard any of these responses before? Have you used them before?


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW


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I'm a Social Justice Educator and Aspiring Humanitarian who is interested in conflict resolution, improving intergroup relations, and building more equitable and inclusive communities. "Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian" is my blog, where I write about issues of diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice. By exploring social identities through written word, film & video, and other forms of media, I hope to continue to expand and enrich conversations about social issues that face our society, and to find ways to take social action while encouraging others to do so as well in their own ways.

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3 Responses

  1. rootedinbeing says:

    “Don’t yell at me, teach me!” Didn’t you and I both get told that not too long ago? Hahah

    “My ____ is a POC, therefore I’m not racist.” I cringe a lot when I’ve heard that in the past, and I cringed at myself for saying it once. I was in a diversity training, and after sharing my experiences as a kid the facilitator asked “why do you think you’re not racist?” And I should have answered “you don’t know me, what makes you think I’m not” because reflecting on it I think he made the assumption above. Instead I answered “maybe because I had friends of color my entire life.”


  1. October 14, 2013

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