Cast The First Stone America

Ta-Nehisi Coates published an article in the Atlantic yesterday addressing the criticism President Obama is receiving after his statements acknowledging that Christianity has been used as a means to justify racism and oppression.

“Using religion to brutalize other people is not a Muslim invention, nor is it foreign to the American experience.”

Cast the first stone

Visit Ta-Nehisi’s Article : The Foolish, Historically Illiterate, Incredible Response to Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW, LLMSW


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I'm a Social Justice Educator and Aspiring Humanitarian who is interested in conflict resolution, improving intergroup relations, and building more equitable and inclusive communities. "Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian" is my blog, where I write about issues of diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice. By exploring social identities through written word, film & video, and other forms of media, I hope to continue to expand and enrich conversations about social issues that face our society, and to find ways to take social action while encouraging others to do so as well in their own ways.

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2 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing this article. Everyone seems to forget (and I am certainly not a Bible scholar) that there are multiple passages in the Bible that were used to justify slavery. One website claims that there are 100 verses in the Bible addressing slavery. The one I have heard repeatedly was “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear, as you would the Lord” from Ephesians. So, the President’s comments were based in fact. The enemy is ISIL not Islam; the enemy is Boko Haram not Islam; the enemy is ignorance and evil. Keep up the great posts!!

    • The President simply acknowledged the fact that Christianity has indeed been used to justify horrible acts against groups of people. One thing that comes to mind with thinking about how his statements have been taken offensively is that folks don’t always want to be called out and challenged on their privilege. Sometimes it’s easier to rest in the feelings of superiority; that we’re taking the high road, or doing the right things than it is to be able to honestly admit how we’re contributing to oppression.

      Sometimes it’s easier to believe the lie, because the truth is too large of a pill to swallow.

      However, being in denial still does not negate the fact that Christianity was, and has been used to justify the interpersonal and systematic oppression of others.

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