For Potential Social Workers: 6 Sources of Advice


Thinking of becoming a Social Worker? Check out these 6 sources of advice.

Letter to the Aspiring Social Worker by Deona Hooper, Founder and Editor of SocialworkHelper

“I believe that everyone who enters the social work profession does so because of something in their background that enrages that desire to change injustices, speak up for those without a voice, and/or inject compassion into an otherwise heartless society.

As I reflect on my journey, there are several things I couldn’t have moved forward without, and there are several changes older me wish I had the insight to make. For the aspiring social worker and the new social worker, I will be sharing throughout this post several mantras that I have used to guide my path over the years.

It’s when I ignored my compass that I found myself learning another life lesson. Here are a few of the most important ones.”

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Is a Career as a Reproductive Justice Social Worker Even Possible? by Nicole Clark at Nicole Clark Consulting

“A degree in social work is one of the most diverse degrees one can obtain. There are many people in various social justice movements and in many career fields that are social workers. As a social worker, you use your skills of engagement to analyze, discover, and develop strategies to work with individuals, agencies, and communities in ways that are holistic and empowering.

Generally, most people are surprised to find out that I’m a social worker. When I’m asked, “What do you do?”, it’s the first thing that I mention. They’re even more surprised at the career I’ve developed and the experiences I’ve had throughout the years. Though I’ve been in the reproductive justice (RJ) field much longer compared to social work, the skills and theories I learned as a social worker student serve to enhance my work in RJ.”

Continue reading Is a Career as a Reproductive Justice Social Worker Even Possible?

Resources for Prospective Social Workers by The Political Social Worker, Rachel L. West of Rachel L. West Consulting 

“A couple of days ago a Tumblr follower asked me for some advice about applying to an MSW program.  This gave me the idea to put together a small list of resources for prospective (and current) social work students. Please let me know if there are resources you feel should be included on this list by leaving a comment.”

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Your Online Identity Scares Me: Social Work and Online Behaviors by Ignacio Pacheco, Writer of Social Work Tech

“When identifying ourselves as social workers in our private social media lives, we run several risks, especially when we are found by our colleagues, bosses, and heaven-forbid our clients..”

Continue reading Your Online Identity Scares Me: Social Work and Online Behaviors

Queries Concerning Psychotherapy and Privilege by Martha Crawford, Writer of What A Shrink Thinks

“Does psychoanalytic psychotherapy as a profession make sufficient assessments of conscious and unconscious, explicit and implicit racism, sexism, heteronormativity and bias in all its forms in ourselves and others, and the destructive consequences to all parties?

Do we believe that healthy relatedness demands well-developed empathy, mutuality, and parity? Do we recognize bias in all forms, personal and institutional, implicit and explicit, acknowledged and unacknowledged as a failure of empathy, an objectification of others and as an obstacle to healthy relatedness and psychological well-being?

Do we accept that the conscious and unconscious empathic failures surrounding bias and oppression are certainly a more profound loss for the oppressed, but a loss to all parties nonetheless?”

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An Aspiring Humanitarian’s Advice to Future Students Pursuing Studies for Social Justice Work by Relando Thompkins, Writer of Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian

“I happen to believe that what we hold to be true in our hearts and minds can dictate our actions in our personal lives and in the field, so it is important that we take great care and invest consistent time and effort into critically examining ourselves to ensure that we will not be doing more of the hurting in our “helping” positions.”

Continue Reading An Aspiring Humanitarian’s Advice to Future Students Pursuing Studies for Social Justice Work

Have you written your words of encouragement or advice for those who would enter the profession? Share your links, thoughts, and stories in the comment section or by contacting me directly.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW, LLMSW


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