Racial Battle Fatigue is Real yall, and I’m feeling the effects.
Killing after killing of black life continues to remind me of just how far we have left to go in the work of dismantling the power that fuels the notion of white supremacy.
I haven’t been able to put any words together lately. I’ve certainly wanted to, but whenever I would try, the words wouldn’t come. I am tired. I feel immobilized.
Everything is telling me that I need to take a break; to the degree that I can anyway. There really are no real days off from the onslaught of racism.
In addition to acknowledging that I feel immobilized, something else that I have found helpful in terms of making sure that I don’t stay there for too long is to remind myself that I am but one part of a larger continuum of folks who have come and gone; dedicating themselves to working toward progress, equity, and positive social change.
I get the whole “If not me then who” mindset, but in the case of needing to take a break for our own survival, being a part of a larger continuum means that we are not by ourselves; it means that we have to be confident that while we are resting, others are doing the work.
As I bow out for a bit, I leave you with a few links to pieces where folks have written what I could not, when I could not:
Self Care For People Of Color After Emotional And Psychological Trauma
8 Things Black Folk Don’t Have To Do In Light Of The AME Massacre
Know The Narrative: Charleston Church Shooting: Multiple Deaths Reported
11 Ways White America Avoids Taking Responsibility For Its Racism
We Need To Talk About White Culture
Shooters Of Color Are Called “Terrorists”And “Thugs”. Why Are White Shooters Called “Mentally Ill”?
7 Ways To Be A White Ally For Charleston And The Black Community
Take Down The Confederate Flag–Now
No Quarter, No Sanctuary, No Succor
For Black Folks Who Feel Numb: On Charleston, Racism, And Not Knowing What There Is Left To Say
If you’ve written, or know of any other links you’d like to share, contact me or let me know in the comments.
I believe there is a wrong side of history, and that the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice, but right now, I need some semblance of a break.
I’m going to be seeking support from people who know what I’m talking about; in spaces where I won’t necessarily need to explain, or qualify my feelings, and at times, where I won’t even need to talk at all.
A teacher and friend of mine sent me the photo at the top of this note, and it came at just the right time.
“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I WILL TRY AGAIN TOMORROW””
And so I will. If you’re feeling as tired as I am, I hope you will try again too, whenever your “tomorrow” happens to be.
It’s ok not to be okay.
From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones, MSW, LLMSW
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