I’m sharing a few resources related to teaching about Ferguson in the classroom. Some of them have additional links within.
From The Root:
Do’s and Don’ts for Teaching About Ferguson
“Process it yourself first, ask students what they want to know and by all means, don’t make the lesson colorblind. Find out these and more tips for classroom discussions about Michael Brown’s death…”
From Teaching for Change:
Teaching About Ferguson
“In light of the grand jury decisions in Ferguson and Staten Island, we share this collection of teaching ideas and resources, originally published in August of 2014.”
From Teaching Tolerance:
Teaching About Ferguson: Race and Racism in The United States.
“The deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Eric Garner in New York City and Tamir Rice in Cleveland—along with the grand jury decisions in the earlier two cases—have caused waves of nationwide protest and appeals for stronger protections against police brutality. These events have also caused educators to seek resources on how to address these subjects in the classroom. These Teaching Tolerance resources can help spur much-needed discussion around implicit bias and systemic racism, but they can also empower your students to enact the changes that will create a more just society.”
From The Atlantic:
How to Teach Kids About What’s Happening in Ferguson
“A crowdsourced syllabus about race, African American history, civil rights, and policing”
From District of Columbia Public Schools:
Preparing to Discuss Michael Brown in the Classroom
“Recent events in Ferguson, Missouri involving the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown have prompted a
broad range of emotions across the United States. As some are reminded of the shootings of Trayvon
Martin and Jordan Davis, and others harken back to the tragic death of Emmett Till in 1955, social protests
in Ferguson, Missouri have attracted national and international attention…these events are teachable moments in
classrooms across the District of Columbia Public Schools.”
From The Huffington Post:
Lessons for White Teachers Who Are Teaching About Ferguson
“White teachers, imagine how angry and frustrated you feel when you are mistreated, or think you are being mistreated, by people in authority. Imagine how you would feel if people with guns, people with no connection to you or your community, made life or death decisions for you, your friends, your family – all of the time. Imagine how you would feel if those people with guns shot and killed young men who you knew. Imagine if you were worried for your brother or son. I think then white teachers will start to have some sense of what it means to be black in America in the Age of Ferguson.
Maybe we all need to close our eyes and listen.”
From PBS Newshour:
How to Talk to Students About Ferguson
“I watched the unrest in Ferguson unfold while preparing for the start of a new academic year and began to think about the various ways I could talk about the crisis with my students. That’s how #FergusonSyllabus was born.
As I shared more resources, I found that educators from the early childhood level to those who work with adult learners were all searching for material to use to make a tragic moment more meaningful. As in any online conversation, detractors emerged to argue that it is too difficult, too controversial, or too hasty to talk about Ferguson with students. I remain firm that with some preparation and thoughtfulness, you can effectively help students answer their questions and address their fears associated with Ferguson. A collection of teacher-recommended materials and teaching strategies are gathered in this collaborative online document. Here are some tips:…”
There is also google document that contains several more links that include a summary of the link, how, and why it can be used, and the twitter handle of the person or group who shared the resource.
Although it seems some information was deleted by someone who may not have wanted this document to exist, it is still operational and available for use in the classroom and beyond.
Please feel free to share any other resources you may have with me.
From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW, LLMSW
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