(N.A.H.) Receives Beautiful Blogger Award!


Today, my Blog: Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.) received the Beautiful Blogger Award!

Many thanks to Tamara Suttle, M.Ed., LPC, founder of Private Practice from the Inside Out, and writer for her blog: All Things Private Practice for the kind nomination!

In commenting on one of my recent blog posts, Tamara said:

“Relando! I feel like you are calling me out! . . . Thank you . . . for reminding me that, no different than my clients, that I, too, get comfortable with my stances – political, social, physical, relational and otherwise. And, of course, that self-reflection that I am always asking and nudging others to engage in is also available to me. It’s telling, isn’t it, . . . the places we find ourselves cluelessly avoiding?

Relando, I don’t stop in here nearly often enough to tell you how much I appreciate your nudges and call outs to create the world we are meant to live in. Thank you.

I have nominated you for The Beautiful Blog Award as a token of my appreciation and as a way to introduce my readers and others to your work. It is necessary. It is valued. And, it is the only way that we move our world forward.

Blessings to you on your journey.”

I’m honored by your thoughtfulness, and will keep these words in mind when I’m feeling stuck.

The Rules for the Beautiful Blogger Award

1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award Logo and place it in your blog post. ( This may require you to use an image widget.)

2. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their blog.

3. Nominate 7 other Bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award. (And yes, they can be nominated for, and receive the award more than once.)

4. Comment on each of their blogs to let your nominees know that they have been nominated.

7 More Beautiful Blogs

Dr Martin Luther King once said that “true peace is not the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice.” Working toward equity is no easy task, but these blogs definitely make an impact in their own ways, working through the tension on their path to reach that goal.  I present them in no particular order.

Stop Street Harrassment.org—Holly Kearl. Holly was also featured in Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.)’s The People Who Inspire Series.

Uptown Notes—Dr. L’Heureux Dumi Lewis-McCoy

Teach Peace Now—Teach Peace Now

WanderingInLove—Dr. Sarah Jackson

Sisters Action Media—Nuala and Leana Cabral. Nuala was also featured in Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.)’s The People Who Inspire Series.

FAAN Mail (Fostering Activism and Alternatives Now!)—FAAN Mail Team

Nicole Clark Consulting—Nicole Clark, MSW

One of the beautiful things I find about struggle is that without it, we cannot grow.I hope you learn from these writers and activists as much as I have.

Again, I say thanks to you, Tamara  for the kind affirmation! This exercise has inspired me to build a list of other great blogs and resources as well! Readers can expect to see it some time in the future.

Wishing you all Grace & Peace,

From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW


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