Notes You May Have Missed Vol. 4


Published on the last Thursday of each month, Notes You May Have Missed features selected notes from the past and present.

These notes serve as an introduction for new readers of N.A.H. and as a recap for regular visitors.

12 Websites With Free Stock Photos For Use On Your Blog

“Telling your stories through your writing is important. At times, the use of images can help to convey your larger message.

Some bloggers incorporate their own photography into their work, while others rely on the use of others’ photos; providing them with proper credit.

There are also websites that house contributed photos that are free of attribution for you to use wherever you like. I’ve used some form of all three of these methods.

As a resource for you, here are 12 sites that offer attribution free images for use in your own blog posts.”

The Art of War: How The Masses Are Convinced To Be Complicit With Oppression

“In order to become effective agents of social change, Social Workers and other advocates need to be able to recognize the manifestations of social problems on an individual level, as well as the ways those problems connect to patterns that are representative of larger, more complex systems of oppression.”

7 Productive Ways To Manage Yourself When Times Get Rough

“The stresses of life can sometimes cause conflict within us internally, and externally in our work and relationships. Although some things may truly be beyond our control, exercising some control over how we respond can be useful in helping us to deal with, and work through challenging times. Each of us can respond to stress in a variety of different ways. Some of those responses can be helpful, and some can be hurtful.”

9 Pieces of Advice I Learned From Meeting A College Athletic Director

You’re never going to be what you’re going to be unless you name it and speak it out loud. Whatever you want to be, whatever way you want to serve, don’t keep it to yourself. There’s something powerful about making it public by sharing it with others.”

From Where I Am Going: Personal Stories About Stop-And-Frisk

“In these stories, people share their experiences with stop and frisk, a policy that disproportionately targets black and brown bodies under the pretense of public safety.”

Thank you for your readership and sharing.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones, MSW, LLMSW


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