Please Consider Supporting My Work


Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian

I recently received a very kind email from a reader which said:

“I just wanted to tell you that I really like your blog, writings, and the articles you post.  I just started an MSW program at redacted university – and discovering your website a year or so ago inspired me in this decision.  It’s inspiring to see how you use social work to truly address systemic injustices and racism, and question the structures and systems of our country.  I learn a lot from you.”

Another message said:

“I just wanted to say thank you!  I have been receiving your notes via email and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forwarded the information and thoughts you have shared.  I don’t know how you do it.

I often wonder – is he paid to do this?  Is it out of love that he maintains the blogs/website?  Where does he find the time and energy?  Whatever the answers to these questions are . . . bottom line, I just wanted to express my gratitude for you doing what you do!  You truly inspire me.”

I have received messages like these periodically since I started blogging in 2011. Those messages warm my heart. They also make me stop and think.

Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian is a work of love, done in my spare time, at my own expense.

I created this blog while I was a student pursuing my MSW, (probably when I should have been writing a paper or something) and have continued ever since.

As the blog continues to grow, I am coming to recognize that doing it all on my own is not a sustainable model in the long-term.

I continue to value your readership, sharing, and support both on and offline, and have decided to transition the blog to a reader-supported space.

If you enjoy my work on the blog, across social media, or even in person, if my sharing has resonated with you, expanded your awareness, inspired you, or benefited you in some way, please consider supporting my work with a monthly pledge.

It’s important to note that you will still have access to my notes whether you pledge or not, this is just an ask for additional support if you are moved to do so. There’s no pressure, and you can start and stop as you wish.

From here on out, I’ll be placing an ask of support with a link to my patron page in the signature of all of my notes, and I’ll also be placing the ask in some of my archived notes as well.

Thank you for your readership, support, and consideration as I transition into this next phase.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones, MSW, LLMSW


(N.A.H.) is advertisement-free and reader supported. If you enjoy my notes, consider supporting (N.A.H.) with a one-time donation or by becoming a monthly patron.


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