To be honest, I’m becoming wary of, and weary from “positive vibes only” messaging. I don’t need “positive vibes only” folks. I need folks who are able to both hold space for, and express, a wide variety of complex human emotions.

One of my challenges with faux positivity thinking is that there’s a really thin line between it and gaslighting.

For me there’s a point when the law of attraction stuff crosses a line into victim blaming territory that offers simplistic explanations for complex, systemic problems.

Systems of oppression are designed to impact the lives of folks with marginalized identities regardless of how they might feel about themselves personally in terms of positive self-esteem, commitment, and whatever other traits are often used in law of attraction thinking as a deficit explanation for why individuals or groups aren’t in a certain place in life.

In life and online, set your own boundaries. Use the block button. Log off. To the degree that you can, do what you need to do to protect your own mental health and energy in light of whatever discomfort you might be experiencing based on what is happening locally or nationally.

I think we can acknowledge the need to do that, while also recognizing that not everyone can “take a break”, or turn it off in the same ways, if at all.

Can we not tell people what is acceptable to share here? Particularly those who are personally impacted by issues that other folks are only exposed to on an intellectual level at best.

Let people rage and grieve and organize and heal. Let people tell their own stories. And when the day comes that you might need support or solidarity, may you be met by an individual or community who can hold space for, and express, a wide variety of complex human emotions.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones

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