“The reality, however, is that the same systems that produce racist and anti-Black policing will produce racism and anti-Blackness in other American institutions, like our school system…If you’re concerned about anti-Black policing in the United States, you should also be concerned about anti-Black education in the united states.”
In this video, Professor of Law Osamudia James draws a through-line between violence, anti-Black policing, and school segregation in the education system.
This lecture is a part of the #ScholarStrike for racial justice.
Visit the Scholar Strike Youtube Channel
From the Scholar Strike website:
“Scholar Strike is an action inspired by the NBA, WNBA, Colin Kapernick and other athletes, to underscore the urgent importance of addressing racism and injustice in the United States. Conceived via a tweet by Anthea Butler, this is designed to call awareness to the racial climate in America, and the rash of police shootings and racial violence.”
For more information and resources, visit the Scholar Strike website.
From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones
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