The site is up.
After some deep reflection and a recent marriage, I felt the time was right to update my web address to my new name, and to give this blog a web address that was more representative of its title.
Visit for more information related to my work, and services.
Getting this site up was quite a process. Although it’s not completely finished, most of the parts are functioning. Many of the upcoming changes will involve my services tabs, as I add more descriptive information in the coming weeks and months.
Quick Timeline for My History’s Sake:
- April of 2011: Started blogging with My original wordpress site is still live for sentimental/historical purposes.
- September of 2012: I moved from to‘s self-hosted platform with as the url.
- September of 2015: changes to, and goes live.
While I may post logistical, personal or professional updates there from time to time, my main source of writings and resources related to diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice will continue to stem from Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian.
From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones, MSW, LLMSW
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