A Charge to Schools of Social Work: Be Accountable in the Work of Racial Justice
Although targeted at schools of Social Work in New York, this video entitled “I Am A Social Worker, and I am ACCOUNTABLE” brings forth the code...
Although targeted at schools of Social Work in New York, this video entitled “I Am A Social Worker, and I am ACCOUNTABLE” brings forth the code...
I’ve added a new web resource to my Blogroll. It’s the Black Lives Matter Syllabus website at Blacklivesmattersyllabus.com Many thanks to friend of N.A.H. Dr. JaeRan Kim...
Fall is coming, and with that students will be returning to class. I’m finalizing items on my syllabuses, putting the last touches on slides, and curating...
Engaging in our own personal work on a consistent basis requires continuous commitment. For your reflection and action, use these 4 lists independently or with others....
I’m passing along this shared resource. “Here is a list of selected readings that educators can use to broach conversations in the classroom about the horrendous events...
No matter what your talents are, no matter where your interests lie, you can make a contribution to the world. Some time ago I accompanied a group of...