Excellent Google+ Pages For Social Workers


My personal google+ page was included in a list of 95 Excellent Pages for Social Workers.

“For professional social workers, Google+ can be a good place to meet others in the field or learn about local and national social services that may be of use to their clients. For the social work students that form our main readership, Google+ offers an opportunity to make contacts and start conversations that could lead to career opportunities.”

— Julia Lawrence, Writer for Socialworkdegree.net

Topics covered in this list include Google+ Pages on:

Social Work Communities

Social Justice

Social Workers

Housing, Hunger & Homelessness

Child Welfare

and various other topics.

The full list can be found on their website.

If you haven’t done so already, I also encourage you to follow N.A.H. on Google+.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW


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