For a variety of reasons, I’m currently in a period of great transition. As I navigate through this time in my life, I find myself craving a complicated mix of change and consistency. This time has its ups and downs, but I’m learning a great deal about life, and about myself.

Sometimes I feel like people can be like mirrors in that others can help us to gain insight into ourselves by sharing their experiences with us. While talking about my simultaneous cravings for change and consistency with a friend the other day, he mentioned that at least in his own life, he felt as if he’d spent more time in transition than in a place of consistency. I found that his seemingly simple statement really helped to put some complicated things into perspective for me.

We each have our own paths, and along those paths lie many challenges, milestones, and accomplishments. After we’ve climbed one mountain, we might just find ourselves positioned in front of another, another after that, and so on in a continuous process of becoming.

My hope for you, as well as myself is that the process of “climbing the mountain” serves to strengthen and prepare us for whatever might lie ahead when we finish one chapter, only to begin another.  I was reminded that through it all, it’s important to appreciate the journey.

Wishing you Grace & Peace,

From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW


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