“No Rights Which The White Man Was Bound To Respect”
So just to be clear, #iftheygunnedmedown the burden would be on my family and friends to prove why I should have lived. Is that what we’re...
From Salon: “It embarrasses them, they feel ashamed”: “Why America still can’t talk about race”
From Salon: “We’re rapidly becoming a nation in which the majority will be people of color by 2043, but by the end of this decade the...
Short Clip Illustrates the Impact of Addiction
This short clip, entitled “Nuggets” has been said to represent addiction. My feelings are mixed. While I think I get the overall message, I’m left wondering...
#FergusonSpeaks –“A Communique from Ferguson”
A Communique from Ferguson. Video Description: “#FergusonSpeaks As law enforcement officials and national media gear up for a St Louis County Grand Jury’s announcement as to...
Raising the Visibility of Experiences of LGBT Families of Color: Our Families
There is something truly powerful about people telling their own stories. From the Our Families Web Page: “Our Families is a community-based education project that raises the...