From The Learning Curve: “Resources for Students Considering a Degree in Social Work”


I was recently contacted by Etana Flegenheimer, Editor of the Learning Curve Blog to inform me that one of my notes had been included in a list as a resource for potential social work students:

“Hi Relando,

I recently stumbled across your blog post “Social What?” on your blog. I know that this post was published over 6 months ago, but I only just recently found it.  I came across your blog post while I was searching for posts that would help potential social work students make decisions about college and their career…I really enjoyed looking through the information you made available. The “Social What?” post in particular seemed really interesting, as it addresses the different careers that a social work degree can help inform.”

“I am an editor for the blog, The Learning Curve. We have recently been trying to expand our resources for students who are looking to learn more about a specific major or career. This week, I published a list of great blog posts on social work that can help potential social work students decide if the field is right for them. I was really happy to find your article, as I think it makes a great addition to this list.”

I was honored to be included in this resource list. I’m looking forward to reading through the Social Work Blogs that are new to me, and was also happy to see some familiar names on the list like Linda Grobman, editor of The New Social Worker Magazine, who was kind enough to invite me to publish a chapter in the popular Days in the Lives of Social Workers collection. My colleague Deona Hooper, founder and editor of Socialworkhelper.com also had resources featured in the list, as did Ignacio Pacheco, writer for SocialWorkTech.

Between this new list, the 101 Greatest Sites for Social Workers blog post that was released in January, and my own list of 13 Compelling Social Work Blogs, I think future students and practicing professionals alike will have access to plenty of resources and ways to connect with others in the field.

Let’s keep pooling resources. If you know of any other great Social Work blogs or articles, let me know!

Update 2/20/13:

My Blog Post: An Aspiring Humanitarian’s Advice to Future Students Pursuing Studies for Social Justice Work has also been added to the resource list.

Grace & Peace,

From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW


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