Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts


A colleague of mine, Patrice French, MSW, has created a resource guide for those affected by Hurricane Harvey. I am sharing the link here to assist in her efforts to spread the information to those who need it.

From Patrice French, MSW:

“This is a grassroots, user-generated list of resources for Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Please provide additional resources by leaving a comment (click the wordbox in the upper-right corner) or email me at frenchpb@gmail.com. This document will be updated as new information is received.

Resources in Spanish – Huracan Harvey – Recursos Comunitarios (en Espanol) (This is a separate resource list that may not contain all of the contents of this guide.)”

The document includes information on immediate rescue efforts, shelter/hotel options, medical and mental health services, and more.

For more information, visit the document: Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones

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