(N.A.H.) News! “OU alumnus works to enact social change, empower students”
I was recently approached by a writer from News at OU: Oakland University’s online newspaper to share my experiences with doing intergroup dialogue work, as well...
I was recently approached by a writer from News at OU: Oakland University’s online newspaper to share my experiences with doing intergroup dialogue work, as well...
Today, my Blog: Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.) received the Beautiful Blogger Award! Many thanks to Tamara Suttle, M.Ed., LPC, founder of Private Practice from...
“I just want to be helped, and be a helper.” Those words were written to me by a teacher and friend in describing his ongoing “personal...
Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian is on Facebook! Click here to get connected. Many Thanks to those of you who have liked my page or subscribed...
Thank you for your interest in not only reading my posts, but taking the time to make a comment as well. If it’s your first time...
My website and Blog: Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.) was mentioned by Mary Kiernan-Stern, LCSW in her Blog post entitled: “Mindfulness Based Practice in Reflection” on...