Connecting Helping Professionals Internationally
I’m very pleased to announce that I will be partnering with Social Work, a social network dedicated to connecting non-profits, causes, students, Social Workers, and...
I’m very pleased to announce that I will be partnering with Social Work, a social network dedicated to connecting non-profits, causes, students, Social Workers, and...
America Got Out The Vote and it’s official: President Barack Obama will be returning to the White House for a Second term We're all in this...
I was struck with emotion when I went to the polls this morning. In addition to feeling a sense of urgency about the many issues that...
This is a comment I posted from last week’s post in response to one of my readers who was uncomfortable with the LGBT community comparing their...
Here’s an article that’s been circulating around that was written by Special Olympics athlete John Franklin Stephens in response to Ann Coulter’s recent use of the...
Election Day is 2 weeks from today. In case you’ve missed it, I’ve gathered footage from this year’s presidential debates for your reference. First Presidential Debate...