Happy Holidays from (N.A.H)


I’m just returning home from a long, hectic, but joy-filled day with my family.  I write this message to you as I sit in a contemplative state of thankfulness.  Thankful for family, thankful for love, thankful for old memories, and for opportunities to make new ones.

Nothing is guaranteed however, and as I sit in my thankfulness I also think warmly about the people and their families that have loved ones who have died. I’m not sure if there are ever any “right’ words to say to someone who is having this experience at the holidays. But if you are, I am truly wishing comfort and solace to you and your family.

Conflict During the Holidays

No family and space is perfect, and each of us can find ourselves in different places in our lives. Bringing different ways of being and thinking all together in one space, (or several spaces depending on visits) can sometimes place us in situations where we are in conflict with a loved one.

In those moments when you’re stuck, It can be helpful to think about how you might be  communicating, and to what degree there is room for difference in the conflict.

How do you deal with conflict over the holidays?

Each moment, once passed is gone for good. So remember to enjoy yourself! Whether your celebrations have just begun, ended, or are currently taking place, this Aspiring Humanitarian is wishing you Happy Holidays, however you may choose to celebrate.

Grace & Peace,

From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW


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