“Brother’s Keeper or Brother’s Killer”: What The President Should Have Said
This message from August of this year by Judge Mathis comes off more directly than the somewhat placating response delivered by the President regarding the Grand...
This message from August of this year by Judge Mathis comes off more directly than the somewhat placating response delivered by the President regarding the Grand...
“It’s amazing that it’s considered revolutionary to wear my hair the way it grows out of my head.”—Tracie Thoms It’s hard enough dealing with the microaggressions...
So just to be clear, #iftheygunnedmedown the burden would be on my family and friends to prove why I should have lived. Is that what we’re...
In this talk, Veteran Emergency Medical Technician Matthew O’Reilly describes a pattern of three needs he has noticed in his work with people in the last...
From Salon: “We’re rapidly becoming a nation in which the majority will be people of color by 2043, but by the end of this decade the...