Notes You May Have Missed Vol. 11


Published on the last Thursday of each month, Notes You May Have Missed features selected notes from the past and present.

These notes serve as an introduction for new readers of N.A.H. and as a recap for regular visitors.

Derailment Bingo

“As you look at some of the responses to check if you’ve heard some of these statements, take some time to also look inside yourself and determine if you’ve ever given any of these responses as they are laid out here, or if you’ve given them in other, more subtle ways.”

Kindness and Reciprocity

“This video reminds me of how we all need help at different times in our lives, as well as how each of us are presented with opportunities to act in service of others.”

From Feminist Frequency: Damsel in Distress: Tropes vs Women in Video Games

“Anita’s commentary and the way in which she makes connections to trends one after another illuminates how consistently women are portrayed as damsels in distress in this medium in a way that is undeniable.

For me, watching this series sparked the question of is a game really just a game, or is there a deeper level of socialization taking place?”

Barely Scratching the Surface: Thoughts on Social Identities, Power, Privilege, & Oppression

“Although the word privilege does not readily come to my mind when considering my identity as an African-American male, I know that I receive unearned benefits from a society that promotes men and subjugates women.

I have automatically been placed in the position of leader or authority figure on some occasions in work and group settings where I have been the only male, regardless of experience.

No one has ever told me that I will have to make a choice between having a career and having a family.”

Thank you for your readership and sharing.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones

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