From Where I Enter: “When Being a “Good Ally” Goes Wrong”
Check out this great reflection about Allyhood from the blog: Where I Enter: “The first rule of being a good ally is that it’s not about...
Check out this great reflection about Allyhood from the blog: Where I Enter: “The first rule of being a good ally is that it’s not about...
Check out the narratives in this tumblr blog: Love and Peace, From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW (N.A.H.) can’t grow without your help. If you enjoyed this...
Because oppression is seen as systemic, we tend to absolve ourselves of blame, but unless someone chooses to identify themselves with institutions and systems, the act...
“My fist point seems overwhelmingly simple: that the accidents of birth and geography determine to a very large extent to what faith we belong. The chances...
“If you’ve come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then...
Whether you’re new to my notes, are a consistent reader, or have shared my posts across social networks, I appreciate your readership and involvement. I’m looking...