Notes You May Have Missed Vol. 16

Published on the last Thursday of each month, Notes You May Have Missed features selected notes from the past and present.

These notes serve as an introduction for new readers of N.A.H. and as a recap for regular visitors.

Having Trouble Connecting With Oppressed Groups? Maybe It’s Not Them. Maybe It’s You

Allyhood is more of an action word than it is an identity. In fact, an ally is a descriptor that can only truly be given to you by people who are marginalized, whom you might be actively engaged in using your privilege to work with them for their liberation.

Allies need to be invited in, and should not go where they are unwanted.”

Degrees Are Not The Final Say

“Obtaining a degree in Social Work, or another helping profession should not be understood as an acknowledgement that we know all there is to know, but  an acceptance of a commitment to work towards continued learning and growth, and a charge to use what we’ve learned to work with others to undo the damage that has been done.”

Your Outrage At The $15 An Hour Crowd Is Misdirected

“If you’re upset at fast food workers or others who are advocating for a earning a liveable minimum wage, consider the possibility that the vast majority of us are being under-compensated for our work.”

Randomly Organized Thoughts from 35000 Feet

“Each of us may be going to something, or leaving something behind, at different times, and for different reasons. Some may give us warm feelings, while others may cause us sorrow.”

Thank you for your readership and sharing.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins-Jones

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I'm a Social Justice Educator and Aspiring Humanitarian who is interested in conflict resolution, improving intergroup relations, and building more equitable and inclusive communities. "Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian" is my blog, where I write about issues of diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice. By exploring social identities through written word, film & video, and other forms of media, I hope to continue to expand and enrich conversations about social issues that face our society, and to find ways to take social action while encouraging others to do so as well in their own ways.

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