Blog Action Day 2014: 10 Notes on Inequality


October 16th 2014 is Blog Action Day.

“Founded in 2007, Blog Action Day brings together bloggers from different countries, interests and languages to blog about one important global topic on the same day. Past topics have included Water, Climate Change, Poverty, Food, Power of We and Human Rights, with over 25,000 blogs taking part since 2007.”

To participate, you can use #BAD2014,#Bad14 #BlogAction14, #inequality and Blog Action Day hashtags and keywords on your posts and content.

This year’s topic is Inequality. Here I share 10 selected notes, some old, some new, regarding inequality.

Racism Makes You Question Everything

“Taken alone, it can be easy for people who are white to dismiss what happens on a daily basis to people of color as isolated events.

However, seeing what occurred between the participants side by side and back to back gives the viewer a bird’s-eye view of how racism can manifest itself institutionally. The video hit housing discrimination, employment discrimination, etc.”

Read more of Racism Makes You Question Everything

From WhereIamGoing: Personal Stories about Stop-and-Frisk

“In these stories, people share their experiences with stop and frisk, a policy that disproportionately targets black and brown bodies under the pretense of public safety.”

Read more of Personal Stories about Stop and Frisk

3 Ideas for What Men Who Work With Boys and Other Men Can Do to Help Them Challenge Sexism

“Here are 3 ideas I feel can be helpful to men who work with boys and other men to help them challenge sexism.”

Read more of 3 Ideas for what men who work with boys and other men can do to help them challenge sexism

Talking About Microaggressions

“We are harmed at times, and we also harm others. There is room for everyone in the work to repair what’s been broken.

The Powerpoint presentation below contains quotes that were procured by myself and a friend from Microaggressions.com that I use to spark dialogue about microaggressions and themes of intent vs. impact as they relate to our interactions with others. Especially useful when unpacking issues related to the social climate on college campuses, in work environments, communities, etc. Good for social justice educators, advocates, social workers, counselors, and other helpers.”

Read more of Talking about Microaggressions

Who’s Labor is it Anyway?

“Sometimes in my work I encounter the belief that people who are privileged should have their emotional needs met before they can accept their own privilege, and tune in to how what they are doing contributes to the oppression of others, and that the responsibility falls on the marginalized person to do so.

I don’t subscribe to that narrative.”

Read more of Who’s Labor is it Anyway?

Man I Need You to Name It: Why the Delivery of the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative Put a Bad Taste in My Mouth

“Naming how the problem manifests itself, without acknowledging the source is not empowering. Naming the manifestation of the problem without acknowledging its source, but instead naming the manifestation itself as being the problem is pathologizing.”

Read more of Man I need you to name it: Why the Delivery of the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative Put a Bad Taste in My Mouth

From Feminist Frequency: Damsel in Distress: Tropes vs Women in Video Games

“For me, watching this series sparked the question of is a game really just a game, or is there a deeper level of socialization taking place?

Great for fans of video games, people interested in examining and dismantling male privilege, sexism, patriarchy, rape culture, violence against women, etc.”

Read more of Damsel in Distress: Tropes Vs. Women in Video Games

4 Ways to Stay Mindful of Social Justice Issues in Group Work Practice

“With many dynamics in play in group settings, and the many choices facilitators have to make second by second, it can be challenging at times even for the most experienced person. We all need a little help every once in a while.

Here are 4 ways to stay mindful of social justice issues in group work practice.”

Read more of 4 Ways to Stay mindful of Social Justice Issues in Group Work Practice

For Would Be Allies On the Road to Equity: To Move Beyond Misrepresentation, We Must First Acknowledge The Facts

“Have you ever tried to, or had to, work with someone who was from a different social group than you, and it seemed like there was a great level of mistrust? Have you ever been in a position in which you wanted to help, but couldn’t seem to get past a wall?

To be clear here, I’m talking about a situation in which a power dynamic exists in which you are working in the context of being someone who has a privileged identity in relation to the person you are trying to help.  For example, a person who is white in a helper role to a person of color, men working with women, a temporarily able-bodied person working with a person with a developmental disability, etc.

I’m talking about a power dynamic that exists because the society around you has been set up in ways that support a particular part of your identity while marginalizing the identity of the person who you may be trying to help, talk to, get to know, etc. Have you ever been in a situation like that before?”

Read more of For Would Be Allies On the Road to Equity: To Move Beyond Misrepresentation, We Must First Acknowledge the Facts

Playing Oppression Olympics Gets Us Nowhere On the Road to Equity

“To me, looking at people in the LGBT community as being entirely separate in that comparison excludes the experiences of people of color in that community who have to learn to survive with racism, and deal with homophobia and other effects of heterosexism that can come from people who are white, and institutions run by people who are white, as well as from other people of color within their own communities.”

Read more of Playing Oppression Olympics Gets Us Nowhere On the Road to Equity

There are many wonderful people across the globe who blog and act in ways that move toward a more equitable society, I think this campaign is a nice gesture for raising awareness and building community. If you have links that you enjoy, feel free to list them here.


From Aspiring Humanitarian, Relando Thompkins, MSW, LLMSW


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